Demi på presskonferens i Santiago, Chile [BILDER] (6 februari)

Demi: Unbroken Ny intevju! [KOMMER UT FEBRUARI 8]

In January, MuchMusic host Lauren Toyota traveled to Los Angeles to speak with singer and actress Demi Lovato about her struggles with mental and emotional health issues. Demi has quickly become a spokesperson for young adults going through similar experiences.
On February 8 at 7 pm ET tune into MuchMusic for Demi Lovato: Unbroken to watch Demi bravely discuss her public and private battle with depression, eating disorders, cutting, and post traumatic stress. Find out how you can get help if you or someone you know is struggling with mental or emotional health issues.
Lauren Toyota shares her thoughts on Demi Lovato: Unbroken below:
1 in 4 teens will suffer depression before they graduate high school. It’s a staggering statistic and it’s scary. But what we need to communicate to young people is that this is very common and they’re not alone. There are thousands of other people going through similar struggles and we need to start talking about what those struggles are and what it feels like. We all need to find the courage to ask for help when we need it. We need to address the stigma surrounding mental health issues and get people talking about what’s become a taboo topic.
Someone who is a spectacular role model for this cause is singer and actress, Demi Lovato. As you may already know she was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder once she entered a rehab program for depression, eating disorders, cutting, and posttraumatic stress late last year. At the core, there’s nothing different between you, me, or Demi Lovato. She was a teenager going through these very common problems, but it all just happened to be photographed and publicized on blogs.
I recently interviewed Demi Lovato about everything she’s been through and it’s especially surprising to see a 19 year old be so poised and articulate about what she’s feeling and how she deals on a daily basis. She’s proving that you can still reach for the stars and accomplish your dreams without sacrificing things and without letting depression or bi-polar disorder cripple your life. Most importantly Demi was able to see her personal struggles as an opportunity to help others, especially her fans. Demi Lovato wanted to set a great example and finally embrace the fact that she is a role model to so many young people. Watch the full interview in Demi Lovato: Unbroken on February 8 at 7 PM ET on Much.
Demi på presskonferens i chile [VIDEO] (3 februari)
Demi på en konferens i chile [bilder] (3 februari)


Demi Lovato told Britain's Glamour: 'Right now I don't need to get in front of a TV camera which adds 10 pounds and makes you feel more self- conscious about your body image. Being on camera makes me nervous.
It takes a level of confidence and security which I'm still working on. When I'm ready I'll find the right role and get back into it, but for now I'm being cautious. I'm walking with my head held high, but I never forget that I'm a work in..
progress.' On rehab: 'I had 14 hours of therapy every day, so I definitely learned a lot about myself. For the first 48 hours I wasn't allowed any communication with my friends or family, a lot of people give up and check themselves out, but I made it and I'm proud of myself.'
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Demi: Vad jag ser fram emot i en god vän, är bara människor som jag kan lita på och som är ärliga mot mig och folk som verkligen är öppna. Människor som inte är rädd för att berätta att min rumpa ser stor ut i en klänning (skrattar). Jag letar också efter människor som jag verkligen kan lita på, när det gäller, värdefull information.
Demi: Tack! Det är en stor ära. Jag är verkligen välsignad att vara en bidragande redaktöroch att vara att den unga rösten för människor som behöver höra någon tala om frågor som de har kämpat med.
Demi: Musikaliskt vill jag göra något som har att göra med Grammys en dag, så det är på min lista. Att bli nominerad eller vinna en, eller något, jag vet inte, det skulle det vara dröm som kom i uppfyllelse för mig.
Demi: Jag kommer att uppträda med min nya singel "Give Your Heart A Break."
Demi om Miley och annat
Demi på Seventeen SIGNING (4 Januari)

Demi: "Jag lärde mig att aldrig döma någon"

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